I often play a sick rendition of Where’s Waldo? – except I am looking for Billy Boy Gates instead. While doing research into MonkeyPox Virus (MPXV), I didn’t need to go far to find the mad sweater-wearing ghoul.
On July 29th, on the heels of the World Hoax Organization (WHO) announcing monkeypox as the next “plandemic,” National Public Radio (NPR) put out a story that received little fanfare or coverage.
In 2017, Dr. Dimie Ogoina, professor of medicine and infectious diseases at Niger Delta University in Nigeria, tried to warn health officials that the monkeypox virus had changed, but somebody told him to be quiet. Who? Was it Bill Gates?
I wondered why NPR would even publish such a story, given that the mainstream media no longer cares about the truth. Moreover, NPR had accepted money from the Gates Foundation in the past. Was the article a confession to cover their behinds with the assumption that no one would connect the dots?
I also wondered exactly what meddlings Gates had in Nigeria. Sure enough, the country sold its soul to the devil.

Mon(k)ey Business
Before I share my findings – “first an update on monkeypox” (I imagine WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus saying this out loud with his heavy Ethiopian accent).
On July 23rd, ignoring his expert panel, Tedros made a unilateral decision against a majority vote and declared monkeypox “an emergency and public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC).
If you visit the Monkeypox Meter, supposed cases worldwide have gone from zero to 22,000+ in as little as three months, including more than 4,000 cases in the United States. Five days after Tedros’ announcement, the mayor of San Francisco declared a “state of emergency” due to monkeypox. Incidentally, Shit Francisco is a hotbed and seemingly gay, bisexual, and transgender populations are at risk (and possibly being targeted), just like in the days of AIDS. The city already has an online waitlist for when a monkeypox vaccine becomes available.
Many have already reported that monkeypox cases are really a cover-up for the damage done from the COVID jabs on the immune system, resulting in shingles, autoimmune blistering disease, and herpes infections. (Incidentally, when I went to simply share an article on this matter, Twitter threw me in jail. Later, I learned it was tied to Tedros’ invitation to social media platforms to work with the WHO to counter “monkeypox disinformation.”)
“Unfortunately, or fortunately; depending on whether you chose to get the COVID-19 injection, official government data and confidential Pfizer documents strongly suggest the COVID-19 injection may be reactivating the dormant chickenpox virus or herpes virus due to the frightening damage it does to the immune system,” according to Expose-News.
Every country that has reported alleged cases of monkeypox since May 2022, where it was not already endemic, is also a country that has distributed the Pfizer COVID-19 injection.
Case in point: the CDC even updated the monkeypox case definition to include varicella & herpes zoster rash. Additionally, post MRNA jab, more latent viruses are rearing their ugly head. Herpes viruses (like many) are opportunistic infections that store in the nerve ganglia and can be “reactivated” when your immune system is either busy elsewhere or depressed. There are dots that connect.
“This means we may not be witnessing a worldwide outbreak of monkeypox at all, but rather a huge cover-up of the consequences of administering an experimental injection to millions of people,” writes Expose-News.
But not so fast. There’s more.
Remember, the overlords never let a crisis go to waste. In this inverted upside-down world, plandemics serve many purposes, and the truth is multi-layered.
So what else is going on?
Gain Of Function In Nigeria?
Five years ago, Dr. Dimie Ogoina said he saw the most important patient of his career – an 11-year-old boy whose infection would eventually be linked to the largest monkeypox outbreak in history.
According to NPR, a few weeks after diagnosing the young boy, Ogoina started to “become concerned – quite concerned.” The outbreak in Nigeria began to grow rapidly. Cases cropped up in counties not just near this one boy, but all over.
“Suddenly, we were seeing cases appear across the country,” Ogoina said.
The boy was the first case of monkeypox in Nigeria in 38 years. But not the last. Eventually, they figured out that the young boy didn’t catch the virus from playing with a monkey (shocker!) but rather from a male relative in his household.
And rather than rashes on their face and extremities, blisters occurred around their genitals.
“They had very extensive genital lesions. Very, very extensive,” Ogoina says.
To Ogoina, clearly, the virus had changed.
Additionally, months after accusing the United States of having biological laboratories in Ukraine, Russia revealed that there are at least four US-operated biological laboratories in Nigeria – in Abuja, Zaria, and Lagos – from where the monkeypox virus was spread.
While the “hows” are convoluted, it started spreading through sexual contact for the first time five years ago. Ogoina and his colleagues even mentioned this occurrence in a study published pre-rona in 2019:
“Although the role of sexual transmission of human monkeypox is not established, sexual transmission is plausible in some of these patients through close, skin-to-skin contact during sexual intercourse or by transmission via genital secretions,” Ogoina and his colleagues wrote in the journal PLOS One.
“Yes, someone told me that we should not say sexual transmission is possible,” Ogoina recalls with exasperation in his voice. “He told me, ‘We should not worry about sexual transmission.’”
Who told him to stay silent? Was this when monkeypox first started spreading sexually? Was a messed-with gain-of-function monkeypox virus circulating in Nigeria that far back? What if whatever was going on was spread via a vaccine?
Ogoina didn’t respond to my email message.
At the time, Nigeria didn’t have the ability to test for the disease. “So we had to send our samples to Senegal and even to the US to make a diagnosis,” he says. “We had to wait.”
Not surprisingly, they have now begun using the unreliable PCR non-test, which is more of an abracadabra tool to ratchet up cases on demand.
Reports emerged that the NIH and Wuhan Lab had been working on monkeypox prior to the outbreak. In a scientific article in Virologica Sinica, the official journal of the Chinese Society of Microbiology, the authors explained the process for artificially engineering a monkeypox virus.
In fact, the Wuhan Institute of Virology published a study in February 2022 months before the outbreak, in which they described creating a portion of a monkeypox genome from scratch in order to develop a PCR test for monkeypox diagnosis.
Curiously, the paper states that, because there’s never been a monkeypox outbreak in China, “the viral genomic material required for PCR detection is unavailable.”
What are the risks inherent in creating synthetic viruses?

That aside, the data indicates that, indeed, the monkeypox outbreak in Nigeria never stopped, according to evolutionary biologist Michael Worobey at the University of Arizona, who has been analyzing the statistics.
Instead, the transmission of the virus went underground in Nigeria for years. Why? Was it because the Medical Cartel told the media (which the cartel owns) not to report on an actual Hegelian (“Problem-Reaction-Solution”) purposeful outbreak?
Eventually, Worobey believes the outbreak spread to other countries and turned into the growing international outbreak the world is fighting now.
Worobey hasn’t published his analysis yet, but he says the data is indisputable. “It’s clear that there’s been continuous cases – or endemic transmission – in Nigeria since 2017, maybe a little bit before. Then something from there got exported out [to the rest of world].”
Why didn’t health officials listen to Ogoina? And perhaps more importantly, what was Bill Gates’ presence in Nigeria in 2017 and thereabouts?
Nigeria For Sale

I didn’t have to go far to find Bill.
Before the outbreak, Gates, along with “billionaire philanthropist,” Aliko Dangote, met with Nigeria’s officials whereupon they declared that the nation was one of the most dangerous places to give birth, doomed to poverty. The country was so poor that some parents traded their young children in for debt.
Yet there was hope, announced Gates. Nigeria could still join the league of nations with upper-middle income like China, Brazil, and Mexico, given their abundant resources, which included a “huge population” (Gates’ translation: too many people). Quantum leaps, however, depended on the choices the political leadership made – namely reordering national priorities.
At least a few Nigerian leaders, such as Governor of Kaduna State Nasir El-Rufai, branded Gates “a liar.” Meanwhile, Obianuju Ekeocha, a Nigerian-born biomedical scientist and the founder of Culture of Life Africa, a U.K.-based pro-life group, argued on BBC’s Sunday Morning Live that the Gates Foundation’s push for contraception in Africa might be “an insidious way of moving the agenda of population control,” since in many African countries the “desired number of children is actually quite high.”
Ekeocha clarified that she was not saying family-planning programs were “bad in and of themselves” but that there was a real problem with “a multi-billionaire from a Western country coming in to tell African governments what to do or how to control populations.”
Nigeria has the second largest HIV epidemic in the world, and HIV-infected patients engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse began receiving antiretroviral drugs in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria, regardless of side effects.

Meanwhile, in 2016 in a Gates Foundation press release, the Nigerian governors partnered with Dangote Foundation, Gates Foundation, and USAID to bring “life-saving vaccines to children.”
“The country has an ambitious plan to introduce new life-saving vaccines over the next several years, and today’s commitments will ensure we can get those vaccines to the children who need them most.”
But there was more. Bill Gates’s recipe for slavery and slow kills doesn’t only involve vaccines.
In 2017, Gates mentioned Dr. Akinwumi Adesina of Nigeria on his website GatesNotes. Adesina had won the World Food Prize. Despite growing up without water or electricity, Adesina went on to earn a Ph.D. in agricultural economics, and worked for the Rockefeller Foundation, facilitating his rise to become Nigeria’s minister of agriculture. He was then appointed president of the African Development Bank. Adesina also served as Vice President of Policy and Partnerships for the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
Would you be surprised to learn the Bill & Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundation had founded the AGRA nonprofit back in 2006?
Gates and his infrastructure spent billions of dollars promoting and subsidizing commercial seeds and agrochemicals, but AGRA failed to fulfill its promises to alleviate hunger and lift small-scale farmers out of poverty, according to a white paper published by the Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute.
According to Corey Lynn, AGRA’s first-ever evaluation report, which came out on February 28, 2022, reveals their 15-year effort is a FAIL.
She writes: “Evaluators stated there were many deficiencies and AGRA’s reporting and monitoring data was weak… AGRA’s bold claims to ‘double yields and incomes for 30 million farming households by 2020’ was removed from their website in June 2020,” following Tuft’s findings, which in fact “showed a 31% increase in hunger.” Full summary here.
Bill Gates and his evil cohorts promised a revolution – but they took over farming, genetically modified the seeds, poisoned the soil, effed up the food supply, and started jabbing the people, instead.
It is a travesty.
The “Green Revolution” in Africa was never designed for the benefit of the people, but to lock African farmers into a system that served big corporations, many funded by Bill Gates.
It gets worse.
In the last decade, billionaire Bill Gates is reputed to have funneled an estimated $1.6b (Over N500bn) of his own “hard-earned” fortune into humanitarian causes in Nigeria, especially immunization for kids against polio with a view to helping to end the “nation’s shame as the world’s capital of the horrific yet preventable disease.”
In 2018 without being prompted, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation paid off Nigeria’s $76 million polio debt, which the country had acquired to combat its national polio epidemic. The Foundation approved the debt write-off after Nigeria met certain conditions, including the guarantee of “more than 80 percent polio vaccination coverage in at least one round [of government-mandated vaccination] each year in very high-risk areas”.
And in 2020 under the Rona Regime, Nigerian politicians proposed the “Nigeria Centre for Disease Control Bill” to replace the National Quarantine Act of 2004. This horrific piece of legislation – under the New World Order – is actually a blueprint for what is desired for the entire planet. This bill strips Nigerians of burial rituals, justifies arrest without warrant, and makes non-compliance a crime. Sound familiar?

While the Senate bill had yet to be read for the second time back in 2020, the House version had already undergone the public hearing phase. Meanwhile, the Speaker of the House Of Reps was accused of plagiarizing – almost WORD FOR WORD – the draconian Singapore Infectious Diseases Act 1977, passed 43 years ago. I tried to find updates but I was unable to find any information past 2020.
Was this a practice run to be used elsewhere?
Gates writes about the importance of “practice, practice, practice.” It’s even the title of Chapter Seven of his latest book. Everything is an exercise, where they collect data to then turn around and use their playbook on yet another country with yet another virus.
At the time, the Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP), Nigeria’s opposition party, citing a “human intelligence report,” alleged that Gates offered Nigerian lawmakers $10 million for the “speedy passage” of the bill, which on the surface aimed to curb the spread of infectious diseases.
Gates denied the accusations of any bribes, but for the record, he’s publicly admitted that he looks up to UNICEF’s Jim Grant for using shame and bribery to drive vaccination rates. I’d show you the clip but Twitter scrubbed me.
“The Next One WILL Get Their Attention”
Monkeypox was considered a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus (MPXV). It was reportedly “discovered” in 1958 when outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in monkeys kept for research in a Rockefeller Foundation-funded lab in Copenhagen.
By the way, the Rockefeller Foundation also cultivated Zika in 1947, which I wrote about back in 2016.
According to rumors, gain-of-function research started as far back as 1961 in both the US and abroad to explore cross-transmissibility after scientists discovered that it could be transmitted via rodents. While I was unable to find anything to this effect, rodents are suspected of somehow playing a role in transmission. The “exact reservoir” is unknown, but little is known about the rodent reservoir genomic diversity.
The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and since then, the infection has been reported in a number of central and western African countries.

You can check TheTenpenny Report for more on the timeline.
By now, you likely know about The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)’s eerily accurate simulation exercise at the Munich Security Conference in March 2021. The non-profit, founded by media mogul Ted Turner, focused on a monkeypox outbreak, and as fate would have it, the rare and potentially deadly “hypothetical” disease started precisely when the “real-time outbreak” began on May 5, 2022. The UK reported the first monkeypox case to the WHO.
“The next one will get their attention.”
Do you remember when Billy Boy said this with a sideways creepy grin?
That’s the quote I thought of after literally gasping out loud in horror at pictures of monkeypox on genitals in The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published in July 2022. These were not re-hashed National Geographic-esque images of African children with pustules that the mainstream usually circulated. Proceed at your own risk because the images at the very end of the study are graphic and may permanently stain your mind.
The 1980s All Over Again But With A Twist
“It’s the 1980s all over again,” James Grundvig of American Media Periscope recently told me. “Promiscuous youth are getting high, cavorting and then infecting one another.”
The first peer-reviewed study shows that this monkeypox is primarily transmitted through the sexual activity of gay and bisexual men in the United States and around the world with 41 percent also having HIV.
With this said, I strongly believe that there’s more going on here than gay orgies and COVID-19 jab side effects. I am still working it out as I am not a scientist, but I suspect HIV, rodents, smallpox, whittled-down immune systems from jabs, and a bioweapon are involved. And while many are dismissing monkeypox as a “gay disease,” the CDC wants you to believe that “anyone can get it.”
On May 19th, a research group led by João Paulo Gomes, Ph.D., a researcher from the department of infectious diseases, and Dr. Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA) of the Instituto Nacional de Saúde in Lisbon, Portugal posted the first draft genome sequence online on virological.org.
“The determination of the genome sequence of the virus causing these infections will certainly contribute to a better understanding of the epidemiology, sources of infection, and transmission patterns,” wrote the authors.
Echoing this point, Illumina CEO Francis deSouza told the press that sequencing the monkeypox virus is vital to developing vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.
DeSouza also casually added during the same interview that we also need to widen global surveillance not only for supposed public health but for national defense “to monitor bioterrorist attacks that may be playing out.” Naturally, Illumina involves all the usual suspects – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Vanguard Group, and Blackrock.

On May 21st, two days after the Portuguese researchers presented their first draft of the sequence, Andrew Rambaut from the University of Edinburgh started a discussion on the ongoing MPXV genome sequencing. But strangely the page was scrubbed.
During the discussion, Andrew predicted that “all or most of these mutations arose in a single round of replication.” He suspected that the mutations occurred in a reservoir host, such as a rodent.
Back in February 2022, Virologica Sinica published a study titled “Combined Insertion of Basic and Non-basic Amino Acids at Hemagglutinin Cleavage Site of Highly Pathogenic H7N9 Virus Promotes Replication and Pathogenicity in Chickens and Mice.” It appears this monkeypox contains a similar style of research to the H7N9 virus in chickens and mice.
“We characterized the reconstituted viruses in terms of viral replication in avian and mammalian cells, thermostability and acid stability, cleavage efficiency, the virulence in mice, and pathogenicity and transmissibility in chickens,” outlined the study. They also noted that “the H7N9 variant caused a 35 percent mortality rate in mice, with researchers noting that certain amino acids ‘increased the pathogenicity.’”
Meanwhile, both the BMJ study and the Portuguese researchers outlined that the current outbreak was most closely related to viruses “associated with the exportation of monkeypox virus from Nigeria to several countries in 2018 and 2019, namely the United Kingdom, Israel, and Singapore.”
By the way, Tedros acknowledged that “the sudden appearance of monkeypox in many countries at the same time suggests there may have been undetected transmission for some time.”
Nigeria anyone?
Except now, the current virus has seemingly changed. Again.
Look at the graph below:

What is perturbing is that there have been 47 mutations from those 2018-2019 viruses which the authors say “is far more than one would expect, considering the estimated substitution rate for Orthopoxviruses.”
Normally, in these types of viruses, there are 1-2 nucleotide changes per year. In a Naked Emperor’s Substack titled Was the Current Monkeypox Strain Engineered in a Lab?, the author mentions a person named Jikky who noted that as well as the mutation, there has been a deletion which could indicate that serial passaging through a cell line has taken place. When I went to contact Jikky on Twitter, his account had been suspended.
I did locate a study that looked at the genetic variability, including gene duplication and deletion, in early sequences from the 2022 European monkeypox outbreak. The study stated:

“We should NOT be complacent regarding the current outbreak, based on the prior history of MPXV. The [monkeypox] we have known for the last 64 years may not resemble near-future human MPXV.”
Some researchers flagged the methods, stating they were used for potentially creating a “contagious pathogen.”

Jikky concluded that given all this effery and mutations in such a short space of time, this version “could only happen by taking a lab strain of monkeypox and then passaging it through cells in the presence of a mutagen.”
Bioweapons Expert Dr. Frances Boyle agrees.
“It’s obvious that [this] monkeypox is a biological warfare weapon with gain-of-function properties, which is why it’s so infectious.”
Do you really think this new pandemic is random versus planned? What is the true purpose of using gain-of-function with monkeypox? To help further the killing of humanity? To scare us from touching each other and things in order to bring in a cashless society? To justify more lockdowns in time for the elections?
All of it?
More Monkey Business: Smallpox Mix & Match
“Of all the diseases that have tormented mankind smallpox has left the oldest and the deepest scars. After incubating QUIETLY for five to 10 days, the virus manifests suddenly,” writes Ken Alibek in his book BioHazard.
Read the book for yourself or watch the BBC film titled Silent Weapon: Smallpox and Biological Warfare, based on his story. The book does not have the words FICTION anywhere on it, but now online there is a hint that it’s simply a thriller narrative.
In 1992, Alibek, once a top scientist in the Soviet Union’s biological weapons program, defected from the Soviet Union and revealed to Western intelligence that he had overseen an extensive, illegal program to develop smallpox into a highly effective biological weapon.
Smallpox, which is related to monkeypox (also referred to as the Variola virus [VARV]), killed millions around the world every year before it was eradicated in 1980. Smallpox is estimated to have killed up to 90 percent of Indigenous people in the Americas in the centuries following European arrival. Monkeypox is nowhere near as lethal.
The truth is smallpox, with a 30 percent fatality rate, has also been already been turned into a bioweapon. The Soviet Union, where Ukraine now exists, houses labs that have messed with smallpox.
So what happens when you use a smallpox vaccine for monkeypox? Does anyone care that even Fauci admitted years ago that the smallpox vaccine is toxic, and that in 2002, Sixty Minutes stated that scientists called the original smallpox vaccine, first created in 1796, “the most dangerous vaccine known to man?”
(You can visit the Tenpenny Research Library for a deep dive on smallpox.)
Do you recall when Big Pharma and the media whores started suggesting people mix and match different COVID-19 injections? Well, now they are suggesting that we use the smallpox vaccine for monkeypox because no vaccine yet exists. Is that intentional, specifically because they want people to get injected with the smallpox vaccine?
Dumping older stockpiles into arms is nothing new. For instance, it’s common for pharmaceuticals to rename a problematic vaccine in their “Strategic National Stockpile” and introduce it in another country. Abra Abra Cadabra, I want to reach out and jab ya. The irony is that the Medical Cartel gets to use smallpox “off label” but persecutes Ivermectin (really: wormwood) for COVID-19.
Are they plotting to change “monkeypox” because it’s stigmatizing or because the Ministry of Truth is literally changing definitions and erasing truth every day?
The Daily Mail stated that millions of monkeypox vaccines were unused and destroyed, and that US National Stockpile dwindled down to 1000s because health agencies believed smallpox was the next vector and they had plenty of that jab made. Less than a decade ago, the United States had some 20 million doses of a new smallpox vaccine — also effective against monkeypox — sitting in freezers in a national stockpile. The rest of the doses had expired.
“The raw, unfinished vaccine remains stored in large plastic bags outside Copenhagen, at the headquarters of the small Danish biotech company Bavarian Nordic, which developed Jynneos (formerly called Imvamune) and remains its sole producer,” writes The New York Times.
Then very casually add that “One or two people of every million vaccinated are expected to die.”

Remember that Denmark was the first place smallpox was cultivated.
In the interim, there are so-called “smallpox therapeutics.” For instance, Brincidofovir, which may work in a “lethal monkeypox virus animal model.” In September 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved tecovirimat (TPOXX), which is used to treat herpes, as a “successful step forward in smallpox preparedness;” but because orthopoxviruses can become resistant to treatment, they add that a multi-therapeutic approach is necessary.
One month later, in November 2021, Bill Gates began seeding the narrative. He theorized about what would unfold “…if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports?”
According to Dr. Mercola, the NIH has now identified monkeypox as a potential bioterrorism agent.
“While known VARV stocks are secure, smallpox remains a bioterrorist threat agent,” states a study titled “Teaching a new mouse old tricks: Humanized mice as an infection model for Variola virus.”

Just like CoronaCon, an entire industry is materializing as part of the World Economic Forum’s Grave Reset. They’re creating hysteria and manufacturing demand for a smallpox vaccine with about 85 percent effectiveness in “preventing monkeypox,” according to our reliable friends at The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
And now on August 4th, after certain states like New York and cities like San Francisco called a state of emergency, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra declared monkeypox a public health emergency in the entire United States.
“This time it will get your attention.” We think they are Crying Wolf, and in part they sure are, but what if they are using a silent weapon to run more experiments? Consider that on May 11, 1987, The London Times reported that the WHO gave 50 million laced smallpox vaccines that “triggered” the AIDS virus.
Now, I have no doubt that the COVID jab from hell is a factor in this new plandemic. But perhaps, as we are making memes and rap songs, and making fun of the jabbed sheeple, there is more happening than fear porn and COVID-19 side effects?
Support investigative journalist Maryam Henein. She raised more than one million to produce, direct, and write the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees. Now she needs to raise 15K to cover costs and pay an editor on a story they don’t want you to know.