On September 1st, Judge Rya W. Zobel, 91, denied former Harvard Chemistry Professor Charles Lieber’s motion for acquittal, along with his motion for a new trial. His sentencing date is now set for January 1, 2023, almost three years after his initial arrest.
Back in January 2020, the Department Of Justice accused Charles Lieber, whom I’ve dubbed the NanoTech King, of being a Chinese spy. The charges were diluted to tax evasion, and in December 2021 a jury found him guilty and convicted him of six counts of making false statements to the U.S. government. He then promptly moved for acquittal or a new trial.
But no-go, Charlie.
He broke the law. There was an abundance of evidence: a video-recorded confession, emails, and testimony from a former assistant that cemented that he indeed participated in the Chinese government’s Thousand Talents Plan. Charlie admitted to literally bringing in cash in paper bags from China.
Who gives out wads of money without a clear end goal in mind? Are foreign governments the new Santa Claus for some US academics, who are funded by US taxpayers? Aren’t fellow academics entitled to know about conflicts-of-interest disclosures?
Incidentally, under Joey B, the DOJ’s China Initiative, which was created to counter Chinese national security threats, was scrubbed from certain government websites and archived. The entire Trump-era program was abandoned and dubbed a “colossal blunder.”
I guess under the New World Order, overall national security strategies are no longer necessary.
Lieber went to do research in China, under the pretense of “working on batteries.”
But that was a lie.
“I have never seen Charlie working on batteries or nanowire batteries,” said a nanoscientist and former student of Lieber’s, according to Science.org. The scientist asked that their name not be used because of the sensitivity surrounding Lieber’s case.
Other research groups have adopted Lieber’s nanowire growth methods to fabricate nanomaterials useful in making batteries. But that’s never been the focus of Lieber’s research. This begs the question of what he was doing in Wuhan.
Lieber was actually the “director of the Wuhan University of Technology-Harvard Joint Nano Key Laboratory,” which was established in 2009. In a 2013 email from a WUT employee, he was thanked for his “irreplaceable contribution to China.”
Lieber has developed a host of nanotechnology applications, one of which arguably ended up in these dangerous gene therapy injections, but more on that later.
In truth, Charles Lieber is a highly prized asset with more awards than any Hollywood Star. He is integral to the synthesis, fundamental understanding, and assembly of nanoscale materials, pioneering demonstrations of nanodevices, the creation of nanotechnology companies, and the education of numerous leaders in nanoscience.

His new paradigms have defined the rational growth, characterization, and original applications of functional nanometer diameter wires and heterostructures. Lieber provided seminal concepts central to the bottom-up paradigm of nanoscience and has been a leader in defining directions and demonstrating applications of nanomaterials in areas ranging from electronics, computing, and photonics, as well as pioneering the interface between electronics with biology and medicine, including brain science.
“The next frontier is really the merging of human cognition with machines,” Harvard Medical School faculty member Shaun Patel has said. He worked alongside Lieber. “Everything manifests in the brain fundamentally. Everything. All your thoughts, your perceptions, any type of disease.”
Lieber’s strategy opened the door to making pristine nanostructures with simple and inexpensive chemical techniques. He went on to show that he could use these nanowires to serve as transistors, complex logic circuits, data storage devices, and even sensors.
In 2017, for example, he reported creating a soft, flexible 3D nanowire mesh that could be injected into the brains or retinas of animals. They would then unfurl and wrap around neurons to ostensibly eavesdrop on the electrical communication between cells.

As you can see, Charlie is kind of important. Downplaying his role and barely shedding any attention on his trial or what he really is guilty of is arguably part of the elite’s plan, just like minimizing and/or hiding the nanotech, the graphene, as well as the mRNA technology.
The “public was not ready,” so they arguably lied and tricked us instead. If you think this isn’t possible, consider that Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, actually said in 2021 that they chose to market the mRNA shots as “vaccines” versus “gene therapy” in order to gain public trust. But as WEFian Yuval Harari et al. press the pedal to the metal regarding Transhumanism and under-the-skin surveillance, perhaps it’s time to ask “who exactly made this technology possible?” And, whether his peers would truly throw him under the bus or spare his life.
Meanwhile, where is Charlie – exactly? Critics and supporters wonder whether he will find ways to continue contributing to his field in the future, or whether he will die before the hearing set next year. That’s because he is supposedly combatting stage-four cancer, an incurable “very advanced form of lymphoma.” (In early August, the judge agreed to seal a letter that updated the court about his health status.)
When I looked whether Lieber’s name was associated with any recent studies, I found one published in June 2022, regarding high-performing direct neural electrical recordings, “long-term biocompatibility,” and mesh structures that interconnect with the brain.
Seems like Lieber, who is co-editor of Nano Letters, and serves on the editorial and advisory boards of a large number of science and technology journals, is still active with his China pals.

Prior to his arrest, the luminary scientist had been active and integral in commercializing nanotechnology. In 2001 he founded the nanotechnology company Nanosys, Inc. Six years later he created the nanosensor company Vista Therapeutics.
While I could not find a website for Vista Therapeutics, a cursory look at Nanosys produced a Feb 2022 press release regarding its advances with quantum dots – a display technology we’ve only seen in sci-fi movies. Until now.

You can explore the many articles I’ve written about Charles Lieber along with his 66-plus nanotech patents.
Lieber’s Legacy Realized
The term “transhumanism” was coined more than 50 years ago, back in 1957 by Julian Huxley, the first director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
In reality – whatever that means in these wonky times – the nanotech acceleration Lieber birthed has only just begun.
By 2071, anti-god globalist transhumanists anticipate that everything will be “smart.” Everything will be connected. And the environment will virtually be alive with synthetic intelligence.
Consider that in the near future, COVID-19 pandemic/endemic therapy may very likely include “manipulative magnetic nanomedicine” and that the COVID-19 jab juice may have already primed you and/or your family members or friends for “intra-body signaling.”
While it is increasingly easy to send data to geosynchronous orbit, getting the data the last few feet to where it is needed remains cumbersome at best. But wait! By perturbing the average voltage of a body by a tiny amount, it is possible to send data through a person, creating a “Personal Area Network.”
“These efficient-miniaturized biosensors can be operated using a smartphone and promoted for clinical application for early-stage diagnostics of COVID-19 infection,” according to a December 2020 study.
You can thank Charlie for enabling this voltage pulse, turning you into your own very hotspot.
Arguably, these complex “biostructures” are what are seen growing and building inside the blood vessels and arteries. Strange substances have been found in post-jab, post-mortem adults. They look like “blood clots” but they are not.
“They are not normal post-mortem clots but rather the long tiny strings may have been etiologic in the deaths, preventing circulation to those regions,” an embalmer told The Epoch Times.
If you still think this is nutso – I get it – consider the findings of a recent study that analyzed a total of 2,305 samples from 12 brands like Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech.
The group found:
- Synthetic lipid nanoparticles such as PEG and SM 102
- Hydrogel
- Trillions of nanoparticles of reduced graphene oxide
- Trillions of particles of nanoparticulate heavy metal contamination

Hydrogel nanotechnology grows and spreads in the body once injected.
Additionally, electromagnetic frequencies, specifically the frequencies that are part of the 5G spectrum, activate graphene oxide. Graphene oxide is also the main ingredient in these DARPA-patented hydrogels. These hydrogels have been found in the COVID-19 injections, the PCR test swabs, and the masks.
Incidentally, a study was just issued illustrating that these mRNA nanoparticles inhibit and alter immune response.
By the way, DARPA funded Lieber to create synthetic tissue with biosensors and i/o technology to track your biological data. Some can read and write.
You know, it’s to keep you HELLthy.
Here’s more on DARPA’s DIRECT Neural Interface from 2017. DARPA was the organization that funded Charles Lieber under his Harvard nanotechnology lab. Oh yeah the Airforce, Navy, and MITRE also funded his efforts. Harvard’s Lieber Research Group has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DOD).
The TechnoFascist Future Is Here

In my research, I came across Technology Radar, which is a study of emerging technologies across six fields: resources, health, education, production, logistics, and mobility. The projections are frightening unless, of course, you want to merge with the machines.
When I looked at who is behind Technology Radar, I learned about The World Government Summit – a global platform dedicated to shaping the future of governments worldwide. They hold an annual event held in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, that brings together leaders in government for a global dialogue about governmental processes and policies with a focus on the issues of futurism, technology innovation, and other topics. The summit acts as a knowledge exchange hub between government officials, thought leaders, policymakers, and private sector leaders and as an analysis platform for future trends, issues, and opportunities facing humanity. The summit hosts over 90 speakers from 150 participating countries, along with over 4000 attendees.
Each year, the Summit sets the agenda for the next generation of governments, with a focus on how they can harness innovation and technology to “solve universal challenges facing humanity.”
Additionally, the World Government Summit offers “much-needed” “smart” solutions such as video analytics, AI, and Internet of Things sensors. They claim the world needs these technologies like big data and dynamic dashboards for many reasons such as public health. Do we really want to enable government databases to “predict and track crowd density across a space,” and “collect real-time public health information” for supposed automated and rapid reporting of supposed live COVID-19 cases?
The website is worth exploring, even though it may likely make your tummy churn. Here, too, in the realm of “Health,” I found Charles Lieber.
Technology Radar features Charles Lieber-enabled technology that is paving the way toward an emerging class of Cyborgs or “HOMO TECHNOS” as Grimes says.
Remember, the promise of safety and health is always part of the sales pitch.
Implantable Sensors
As mentioned earlier, by 2030 – a “conservative” prediction – devices will be implanted inside the body to send a signal or an alert to an external device to perform a programmed action.

Implantable microchips are marketed as the ultimate in “convenience,” but the goal is to create the Internet of Bodies, described by the World Economic Forum as an ecosystem of “an unprecedented number of sensors.”
As former FTC lobbyist Tom Wheeler affirmed, anything that can be connected will be connected as part of 5G’s Fast Plan.
Some proposed examples of IoB consumer technologies are:
- Body-implanted sensors
- Clothing with sensors
- Female technology products (“FemTech”)
- Implantable microchips
- Mental and emotional sensors

Neural Dust BMI

A BMI (Brain Machine Interface) will give the host constant Wi-Fi access to the virtual world and is already being bench-tested even though the predicted date is 2045. Ultrasound signals from encapsulated polymers INSIDE the brain would be used to control brain and body activity. With the help of Lieber’s discoveries, thousands of 10 – 100 µm scale, free-floating, independent sensor nodes, or neural dust will be placed in the brain to detect and report local extracellular electrophysiological data. FUN!
Human Memory Digital Storage

The capacity to forget is a beneficial thing. Think about it. Someone who remembers every little thing may have a harder time moving on in life. Forgetting – dare I say it – can assist in being able to forgive. I had never given this much thought until l listened to Marju Lauristin, an Estonian politician and former Member of the European Parliament and Minister of Social Affairs in a talk titled Human World vs Digital World? What happens if everything about you can be accessed, allowing for total recall? Isn’t learning from our mistakes part of being human?
Imagine a technology that enables us to access our memory accurately, as sort of a live cloud recorded through our eyes and thereby streamed as a video of our records.
In the future, the digital environment will track everything and will be sold to you as an allure of convenience, but your freedom and autonomy – your free will – those days will be over. Don’t believe me? Just listen to Transhumanist Yuval Harari.

“It may sound odd and even discomforting to imagine humans putting electronic implants in their head to treat an ailment, keep their memory strong or simply learn new things faster, but what’s clear is it is part of humanity’s future. One hopes it will only have a positive impact on humanity, but it’s quite possible we’ll have to face the negative effects of this too,” writes a 2019 article in Inverse.
“What can you do with a stable neural interface? I think that’s a very profound and interesting question,” Patel responded.
What say you, Charlie?
Support investigative journalist Maryam Henein. She raised more than one million to produce, direct, and write the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees. Now she needs to raise 15K to cover costs and pay an editor on a story they don’t want you to know.